Crude Sunflower Oil (CSFO)

Crude Sunflower Oil (CSFO).

Type: Crude, Non-GMO.

Origin: Europe, Ukraine or other.

Standard: Conform to International or National Standard.

Quantity: Up to 25.000 Metric Ton (MT) per month.

Physical and Chemical Analysis Values:

(The values may vary within standards)

Transparency: Transparent, without sediment.

Smell and Taste: Inherent smell, aftertaste and bitterness.

Free Fatty Acids, %: 2,0 maximum.

Peroxide Value, Mmol/kg: 7,0 maximum.

Moisture and Volatile Matter, %: 0,2 maximum.

Color Index, mg of Iodine: 25 maximum.

Acid Value, mg KOH/g: 4,0 maximum.

Iodine Value, WIJS: 125 - 145

Saponification Value, mg KOH/g: 186 - 194

Unsaponification Value, %: 1,7 maximum.

Insoluble Substances, %: 0,1 maximum.

Flash Point, °С: 225oC minimum.

Phosphorous Amount, %: 0,6 maximum.

Specific Weight, g at 20oC: 0,919 - 0,927

Refractive Index, at 40oC: 1,4740 - 1,4780

Packing: Bulk in ship or flexi tank (flexi bag).