Sulphur - Granules / Lumps / Powder

Sulphur - Granules / Lumps / Powder.

Packed in 1000kg big bags.

Sulfur is used in the vulcanisation of black rubber, as a fungicide and in black gunpowder. Most sulfur is, however, used in the production of sulfuric acid, which is perhaps the most important chemical manufactured by western civilisations. The most important of sulfuric acid’s many uses is in the manufacture of phosphoric acid, to make phosphates for fertilizers.
Mercaptans are a family of organo sulfur compounds. Some are added to natural gas supplies because of their distinctive smell, so that gas leaks can be detected easily. Others are used in silver polish, and in the production of pesticides and herbicides.
Sulfites are used to bleach paper and as preservatives for many foodstuffs. Many surfactants and detergents are sulfate derivatives. Calcium sulfate (gypsum) is mined on the scale of 100 million tonnes each year for use in cement and plaster.

Sulfur Urea Fertilizer Application
Sulfur is a source of plant nutrition. Sulfur plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll; therefore, plants that are deficient in sulfur have light green or yellow leaf color. Sulfur also plays an important role in protein metabolism, is part of proteins.

Soils of different types differ in sulfur content. A high content of sulfur is observed in peat soils, and on light soils her is often not enough. A large amount of the element is present in soils rich in humus.

Despite the large role of sulfur in the plant nutrition system, it, as one of the main elements, is not given special attention. This is due to the fact that mineral fertilizers produced by the chemical industry contain a significant amount of sulfur (as an accompanying element). The predominant amount of sulfur enters the soil with superphosphate, ammonium sulphate, potassium sulphate, and in addition - with precipitation.

Sulfur is used to restore (acidify) poor sandy and clayey soils in arid regions with low precipitation. In parallel with the restoration of soil by elemental sulfur, the required amount of nitrogen in urea is introduced. Urea contains significantly more nitrogen than her competitor ammonium nitrate.

Urea is universal for use on acidic and alkaline soils, but this cannot be said about ammonium nitrate, when added on upon which on acid soils, burning the roots of plants. Also when using ammonium nitrate overflow soil occurs with nitrates.