Montbéliarde Cattle

The Montbéliarde is the 2nd French dairy breed in terms of numbers and produces a milk rich in proteins and with good cheesemaking qualities. Average production in 2014: 7,100kg of milk in 305 days; Fat: 38.4g/l; Protein: 32.7g/l.

A large-framed breed, it is in the front line of the European red-and-white pied population (Simmental, Fleckvieh, etc.) in terms of milk production. It is fertile and highly resistant to mastitis.

Crossbred, it gives a high-quality carcass for good exploitation of young animals (veal calves, weaned calves, young bulls) and cull animals.

When crossed with a beef bull, the Montbéliarde produces excellent-quality beef stock.